Designed site-directed dimerization of the monoanion radicals of a p-bowl in the solid state is reported. Dibenzo[a,g]corannulene (C 28 H 14 )w as selected based on the asymmetry of the charge/spin localization in the C 28 H 14 C À anion. Controlled one-electron reduction of C 28 H 14 with Cs metal in diglyme resulted in crystallization of an ew dimer, [{Cs + (diglyme)} 2 (C 28 H 14 ÀC 28 H 14 ) 2À ]( 1), as revealed by single crystal X-rayd iffraction study performed in ab road range of temperatures.T he C À Cb ond length between two C 28 H 14 C À bowls (1.560 (8) )measured at À143 8 8Cdoes not significantly change upon heating of the crystal to + 67 8 8C. The single sbond character of the CÀClinker is confirmed by calculations. The trans-disposition of two bowlsi n1 is observed with the torsion angles around the central CÀCb ond of 172.3(5)8 8 and 173.5(5)8 8.Asystematic theoretical evaluation of dimerization pathwayso fC 28 H 14 C À radicals confirmed that the trans-isomer found in 1 is energetically favored.Supportinginformation and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: Scheme 1. Dibenzo[a,g]corannulene (left) and (C 28 H 14 ÀC 28 H 14 ) 2À dimer (right).