We investigated the physical sputtering of low-energy argon bombardment onto α-quartz and amorphous quartz substrate using dynamics simulations. We reported the effects of etching selectivity, the effect of surface temperature, T s , and the effect of incident energy, E i on sputtering yield. The second generation charge-optimized many body (COMB10) potential was utilized to model the interatomic potential of quartz substrates. Simulations were conducted at incident energies of E i ¼ 50, 100, and 150 eV and substrate temperatures of T s ¼ 300, 500, and 800 K. α-quartz shows higher sputtering yield compared to amorphous quartz at any given incident energy, E i and substrate temperature, T s . α-quartz has also produced more stoichiometric yield compared to amorphous quartz.