U n te rs u c h u n g e n ü b e r d ie C h e m ilu m in e s z e n z d e r R e a k tio n e n v o n L ith iu m m it H a lo g e n e n H. Neuert I. Institut für Experimentalphysik der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg Z. Naturforsch. 36a, 524-540 (1981); eingegangen am 19. März 1981 Investigations on the Chemiluminescence of the Reactions of Lithium with HalogensThe chemiluminescent radiation from the reaction of lithium with the halogens CI2, Br2, I2 and some halogenated molecules has been registered in the visible region. A beam-gas device was used at gas pressures of about 10-2 mb and Li-oven temperatures of 1000-1100K. The spectral lines from the Li atomic states are prevailing. In the Li-fSFe reaction, excitations approaching the ionisation limit of Li are observed. The distribution of the population of the excited states is given for some cases. The mechanism of the reactions is discussed in the light of the corresponding reactions of Na, K, Cs with the halogens, as described in the literature. The participation of the Li-dimer in the reaction processes is evident. No Li-halide fluctuation band structures were found.Strong Li2-A-X-, -B-X-and -C-X-bands appear in nearly all the spectra at higher Li-beam intensities, the excitation of which is discussed. Further molecular bands were observed, emitted from electronically excited states of the halogen molecules Br2 andl2. It is supposed that they are produced by energy transfer collisions mainly from the Li-halide molecules vibrationally excited in their electronic ground state. The appearance of molecular bands from electronically excited states of CuCI and CuBr in the spectra is described.