apoE is a very important component of the lipoprotein transport system that has a dual functionality. It is essential for the clearance of lipoprotein remnants from the circulation ( 1, 2 ) and also promotes the biogenesis of apoEcontaining HDL ( 3 ). As a result of this and possibly other unidentifi ed functions, apoE plays a central role in atheroprotection ( 4-6 ).Lipoprotein-bound apoE is a ligand for the LDL receptor ( 7,8 ), as well as other receptors in vitro ( 9-11 ). In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that mutations in apoE that diminish binding of apoE-containing lipoproteins to the LDL receptor are associated with high plasma cholesterol levels and cause premature atherosclerosis in humans and experimental animals ( 4-6, 12 ).In addition to its functions in remnant clearance and the biogenesis of HDL, lipid-free or lipoprotein-associated apoE has been reported to affect various other biological processes through signal transduction mechanisms ( 13-21 ). apoE promotes ABCA1-and Scavenger receptor class B type I-mediated cholesterol effl ux ( 22, 23 ) and has antioxidant and anti-infl ammatory properties ( 14,15,20,(24)(25)(26)(27). apoE also suppresses smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation by interactions with low density lipoprotein Abstract The K146N/R147W substitutions in apoE3 were described in patients with a dominant form of type III hyperlipoproteinemia. The effects of these mutations on the in vivo functions of apoE were studied by adenovirus- Abbreviations: ANS, 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid; apoA-I Ϫ / Ϫ , apoA-I-defi cient; apoE Ϫ / Ϫ , apoE-defi cient; CE, cholesteryl ester; EM, electron microscopy; FPLC, fast protein liquid chromatography; HLP, hyperlipoproteinemia; HSPG, heparan sulfate proteoglycan; pfu, plaque forming unit; TC, total cholesterol .