The solution for thermally developing PoiseuiUe flow with scattering is obtained by using the method of collocation. The results show that scattering tends to decrease radiation component without affecting the connective component at low optical thicknesses. For moderate to high values of optical thicknesses, both the connective and radiation components are reduced. The relative effect of scattering both on convective and radiation Nusselt numbers appears to be unaffected by a change in the surface emissivity. A significant feature of combined radiation-convection in thermally developing flows appears to be that the total Nusselt number increases downstream of position of minimum rather than approaching an asymptotic value as is the case with corresponding pure convection. Another departure in the behavior appears to be the lack of existence of similarity in the temperature profiles, particularly at low values of conduction-radiation parameter.
IntroductionA number of analyses of channel flows with combined radiation convection modes of heat transfer have been performed [1-17], A significant number among these analyses [2-9] have assumed fully developed temperature distribution which reduces the partial integro-differential equation to an ordinary integro-differential equation. This equation is identical in appearance to that for the combined radiation-conduction problem for the same geometry, except for the presence of a source term (as a function of local and bulk mean temperatures). Therefore, the equation can be solved by the same techniques as used for combined radiation-conduction problems. This assumption of fully developed temperature profile to simplify the problem has been carried over from channel flows with heat transfer by convection mode only. However, recently Lii and Ozisik [1] have shown that the thermally fully developed state for the slug flow between the parallel plates does not occur for the cases when the radiation effects are strong. Similar findings, particularly regarding the existence of a fully developed temperature profile, have been reported in analyses by Liu and Thorsen [11] and by Pearce and Emery [12]. Recently Balakrishnan and Edwards [10] compared their results for radiation and total Nusselt numbers at large distances from entry to the results of Wassel and Edwards [9] for thermally and hydrodynamically established turbulent flow in a pipe. These authors found that maximum errors in these Nusselt numbers were 2.2 percent and 7 percent, respectively, corresponding to radiation-to-conduction ratio of 10. It is clear that not all of the authors agree on the validity of the assumption of fully developed temperature profile. It is, therefore, one of the objectives of this paper to provide an appraisal of this assumption by comparing the temperature profiles at various axial locations for a variety of conditions of interest.