Biomineralization is an important process in which hard tissues are generated through mineral deposition, often assisted by biomacromolecules. Eggshells, because of their rapid formation via mineralization, are chosen as a model for understanding the fundamentals of biomineralization. This report discusses purification and characterization of various proteins and peptides from goose eggshell matrix. A novel 15-kDa protein (ansocalcin) was extracted from the eggshell matrix, purified, and identified and its role in mineralization evaluated using in vitro crystal growth experiments. The complete amino acid sequence of ansocalcin showed high homology to ovocleidin-17, a chicken eggshell protein, and to C-type lectins from snake venom. The amino acid sequence of ansocalcin was characterized by the presence of acidic and basic amino acid multiplets. In vitro crystallization experiments showed that ansocalcin induced pits on the rhombohedral faces at lower concentrations (<50 g/ml). At higher concentrations, the nucleation of calcite crystal aggregates was observed. Molecular weight determinations by size exclusion chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate -polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed reversible concentrationdependent aggregation of ansocalcin in solution. We propose that such aggregated structures may act as a template for the nucleation of calcite crystal aggregates. Similar aggregation of calcite crystals was also observed when crystallizations were performed in the presence of whole goose eggshell extract. These results show that ansocalcin plays a significant role in goose eggshell calcification.Organisms are capable of developing minerals and biocomposites with complex architecture to fulfill important biological functions, such as skeletal support, protection of soft tissues, and food grinding (1-4). Often, survival of the organism depends on the structure and strength of these composite materials. Due to the wide range of mechanical and functional properties of these biocomposites, identifying the organic and inorganic components and understanding the structure-function relationships have potential industrial and biotechnological applications (5). The inorganic mineral phase of such materials is formed over an insoluble organic matrix or mold, and the mineral phase is intimately associated with organic macromolecules, such as proteins/glycoproteins, polysaccharides, or proteoglycans (6). These biomacromolecules are highly acidic in nature and have been postulated to control nucleation, growth, crystal size, and shape of the mineral phases (7).Mann (8) classified the biologically programmed composites into four types (types I, II, III, and IV), based on matrix intervention in nucleation and growth processes. Avian eggshells form type II biocomposites, which is the fastest forming hard acellular composite in nature. For example, in the case of chicken eggshell, about 5 g of the mineral phase is produced within 24 h (9). Their calcified layer consists of ϳ95% mineral and ϳ5% organic phase (10). The ...