Incoherent neutron scattering is presented as a powerful tool for interpreting changes in molecular dynamics as a function of film thickness for a range of polymers. Motions on approximately nanosecond and faster timescales are quantified in terms of a mean-square atomic displacement (͗u 2 ͘) from the Debye-Waller factor. Thin-film confinement generally leads to a reduction of ͗u 2 ͘ in comparison with the bulk material, and this effect becomes especially pronounced when the film thickness approaches the unperturbed dimensions of the macromolecule. Generally, there is a suppression (never an enhancement) of ͗u 2 ͘ at temperatures T above the bulk calorimetric glass-transition temperature (T g ). Below T g , the reduction in the magnitude of ͗u 2 ͘ depends on the polymer and the length scales being probed. Polymers with extensive segmental or local mobility in the glass are particularly susceptible to reductions of ͗u 2 ͘ with confinement, especially at the Q vectors probing these longer length scales, whereas materials lacking these sub-T g motions are relatively insensitive. Moreover, a reduced ͗u 2 ͘ value correlates with reduced mobility at long time and spatial scales, as measured by diffusion in these thin polymer films. Finally, this reduced thin-film mobility is not reliably predicted by thermodynamic assessments of an apparent T g , as measured by discontinuities or kinks in the T dependence of the thermal expansion, specific volume, index of refraction, specific heat, and so forth. These measurements illustrate that ͗u 2 ͘ is a powerful and predictive tool for understanding dynamic changes in thin polymer films.