Auxiliary  subunits modulate current properties and mediate the functional membrane expression of voltage-gated Ca 2؉ channels in heterologous cells. In brain, all four  isoforms are widely expressed, yet little is known about their specific roles in neuronal functions. Here, we investigated the expression and targeting properties of  subunits and their role in membrane expression of Ca V 1.2 ␣ 1 subunits in cultured hippocampal neurons. Quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed equal expression, and immunofluorescence showed a similar distribution of all endogenous  subunits throughout dendrites and axons. High resolution microscopy of hippocampal neurons transfected with six different V5 epitope-tagged  subunits demonstrated that all  subunits were able to accumulate in synaptic terminals and to colocalize with postsynaptic Ca V 1.2, thus indicating a great promiscuity in ␣ 1 - interactions. In contrast, restricted axonal targeting of  1 and weak colocalization of  4b with Ca V 1.2 indicated isoform-specific differences in local channel complex formation. Membrane expression of external hemagglutinin epitope-tagged Ca V 1.2 was strongly enhanced by all  subunits in an isoform-specific manner. Conversely, mutating the ␣-interaction domain of Ca V 1.2 (W440A) abolished membrane expression and targeting into dendritic spines. This demonstrates that in neurons the interaction of a  subunit with the ␣-interaction domain is absolutely essential for membrane expression of ␣ 1 subunits, as well as for the subcellular localization of  subunits, which by themselves possess little or no targeting properties.Voltage-gated Ca 2ϩ channels (Ca V ) 3 provide key pathways for Ca 2ϩ entry into neurons and translate membrane depolarization into neurotransmitter secretion and gene regulation.Ca V s are composed of a pore-forming ␣ 1 subunit and the auxiliary ␣ 2 ␦ and  subunits (1). Whereas the ␣ 1 subunits are responsible for voltage sensing and ion conduction, the auxiliary subunits have been implicated in membrane targeting and modulation of channel properties (for review see Ref.2). Presynaptic Ca V s regulate neurotransmitter release (3), and postsynaptic Ca V s activate the transcriptional regulators cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) and nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) (4, 5) and thus modulate long term potentiation (6). These functions reflect both the diversity of Ca V isoforms expressed in brain (7-11) and their differential subcellular localization in neurons (12-15).Four distinct  isoforms have been identified (16 -19), all of which are expressed in brain (20 -23). They contain an Src homology 3 domain and a guanylate kinase domain (24 -27). However, the guanylate kinase fold is modified so that it can bind with high affinity to the so-called ␣-interaction domain (AID) in the intracellular I-II linker of Ca V ␣ 1 subunits (28, 29). The Src homology 3 and the guanylate kinase-like domains are highly conserved among the four genes encoding  subunits (Cacnb1-b4; Fig. 1C), whereas t...