Voltage-dependent Ca 2ϩ channels (Ca V ) are membrane proteins that play a key role in promoting Ca 2ϩ influx in response to membrane depolarization in excitable cells. To this date, molecular cloning has identified the primary structures for 10 distinct calcium channel Ca V ␣ 1 subunits (1-7) that are classified into three main subfamilies according to their high voltageactivated (HVA) 2 gating (Ca V 1 and Ca V 2) or low voltage-activated gating (Ca V 3). In addition to the transmembrane poreforming Ca V ␣1 subunit, Ca V 1 and Ca V 2 channels arise from the multimerization of three other proteins (7): a cytoplasmic Ca V  subunit, a mostly extracellular Ca V ␣2␦ subunit, and calmodulin constitutively bound to the C terminus of Ca V ␣1 (8 -12).A considerable body of work documents the interaction and modulation of the Ca V ␣1 subunit of Ca V 1 and Ca V 2 channels (13-18) by the auxiliary Ca V . The high affinity Ca V ␣1-Ca V  interaction site on the pore-forming Ca V ␣1 subunit is a conserved 18-residue sequence in the I-II linker called the ␣ interaction domain (AID) (19,20) that has been structurally resolved by high resolution x-ray crystallography (21-23). Structural work showed that the AID forms a ␣-helix that binds to the ␣ binding pocket (ABP) in the Ca V  nucleotide kinase (NK) domain. It has been proposed that the MMQKAL cluster of residues within the latter determines the high affinity nanomolar interaction between the two proteins (24 -29). Numerous mutational analyses of the AID residues have correlated the Ca V -induced biophysical modulation with the high affinity binding of Ca V  to the AID peptide in a variety of Ca V ␣1 isoforms for Ca V 1 and Ca V 2 channels (25, 29 -32).The association of Ca V ␣1 and Ca V  subunits is also critical for proper channel maturation and cell surface expression of Ca V 2.2 (17), Ca V 1.2 (33, 34), and Ca V 2.3 (35). In Ca V 2.2, the I-II linker is presumed to play a role in this process (17,18), and mutations within the AID motif eliminated its cell surface expression and biophysical modulation by Ca V 1b and Ca V 3 (32). In addition, the Ca V 2-induced increase in Ca V 1.2 whole cell currents was abolished with the AID-defective YWI/AAA mutant (29), suggesting that high affinity binding of Ca V  onto AID is required to traffic Ca V ␣1 to the plasma membrane. Nonetheless, the unique character of the high affinity AID-ABP interface in the membrane targeting of Ca V ␣1 has been questioned (27, 36 -40). In particular, it has been suggested that Ca V -mediated plasma membrane targeting could be uncoupled from Ca V -mediated modulation of channel gating (26, 41) with important contributions from other intracellular regions (33, 39,(42)(43)(44).In addition to Ca V , the ancillary subunit Ca V ␣2␦ and the ubiquitous calmodulin (CaM) protein have also been proposed to modulate HVA channel maturation and targeting (9). For instance, co-expression of Ca V ␣2␦ promoted the trafficking of the Ca V ␣1 subunit of Ca V 2.2 in COS-7 cells (45), suggesting that Ca V ␣2...