The catalytic activity of the serine protein. ases is studied using molecular orbital methods on a model of the enzyme-substrate complex. A mechanism is employed in which Ser-195, upon donating a proton to the His-57-Asp-102 dyad, attacks the substrate to form the tetrahedral intermediate. As His-57 then donates a proton to the leaving group, the intermediate decomposes to the acyl enzyme. An analogous process takes place during deacylation, as a water molecule takes the place of Ser-195 as the nucleophile. The motility of the histidine is found to be an important factor in both steps. An attempt is made to include the effects of those atoms not explicitly included in the calculations and to comnpare the reaction rate of the proposed mechanism with that of the uncatalyzed hydrolysis. This mechanism is found to be in good agreement with structural and kinetic data.It has been determined that the chymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of substrates proceeds through an acyl enzyme intermediate (1). The formation of a tetrahedral intermediate in the acylation step of trypsin was investigated in Paper I (2), in which molecular orbital methods were used to study the charge relay system (3) and the attack of the serine residue on the scissile peptide linkage of the substrate. We report here a continuation of this work which includes both the acylation and deacylation steps in their entireties. The principal method used is partial retention of diatomic differential overlap (PRDDO), which closely reproduces minimum basis set (MBS) ab initio results (4). Also included are terms which correct the errors introduced by use of an MBS.
RESULTSThe active site residues of trypsin were modeled as follows: by methanol, His-57 by imidazole, the Asp-102 anion by formate, and the scissile peptide linkage of the substrate by formamide. As described in Paper I, these molecules were then superimposed onto Huber's x-ray structure of the complex of bovine trypsin with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (5). In this structure, the scissile peptide link is distorted towards a tetrahedral carbon. However, when methanol is included at its x-ray position, a geometry optimization of formamide yielded a very nearly planar carbonyl group (see Fig. 1A Cg-H5l bond axis (corresponding to the CO-Ca axis of is that of the x-ray structure. The configuration thus obtained, analogous to the bound enzyme-substrate Michaelis complex, E-S, is shown as A in Fig. 1. We followed the formation of the tetrasubstituted intermediate (TI) as the composite of two separate processes. The first of these involved proton transfers from methanol to Nd2 of imidazole and, simultaneously, from N1' of imidazole to Oa2 of formate. The remaining geometry changes involved in the formation of the TI comprise the second. The most significant motions included here were (1) the rotation of methoxide around the C5-Hrl bond axis by 300 to attack Cf, (2) a motion of Cf up out of the carbonyl plane towards the approaching Os to form the tetrahedral adduct, and (3) the rotation o...