Electronmobilitiesweremeas~ired inethane, ethylene, propane,cyclopropane,and propylene tocomplete the sttidies of the lower hydrocarbons. The effect of temperature on the mobilities in these l i q~~i d s and in methane, 11-butane, and xenon were also measured. Exan~ples of the data are given in the order mobility (cm2/Vs), temperature (K), A r r h e n i~~s temperature coefficient (kcal/mol): methane, 430, 140, -0.16; ethane, 0.97,200, -3; ethylene, 0.0030, 170, -; propane, 0.55,238, -3 ; 17-butane,0.073,250, -4; cyclopropane, 0,0043,234, -4; propylene, 0,008,234, -4; xenon, -1200 at 4 0 V/cm, 198,O. The mobilities in the C2-C, hydrocarbons are independent of applied electric field strength E up to 20 kV/cm; that in methane is independent of E LIP to 2 kV/cm; that in xenon decreases as E-'I2 between 33 a n d 300 V/cm and decreasesslightly morerapidly at higherfieldstrengths.
IntroductionThe Arrhenius temperature coefficient E,, for The penetration ranges of low energy (-10 eV) electrons into the simplest liquid hydrocarbons, C, to C, , have recently been estimated (I). The density-normalized range bd was related to the degree of sphericity and isotropy of polarizability of the molecules. It has since been shown that there is also a correlation between the mobility of thermal electrons and the penetration range of low energy electrons in a given liquid (2); electron ranges are large in liquids in which the mobilities are high, and vice versa. As the electron mobilities in the C, and C, hydrocarbons have not yet been reported, it was of interest to make these measurements and test the correlation. Of varticular in-