synchronization with the adoption of genetically modified crops that possess glyphosate resistance. [1] Glyphosate maintains the largest share of herbicide use with an application of 113.4 million kg in the United States and 747 million kg globally, as reported in 2014. [2] Although glyphosate is largely believed to be nontoxic to animals and humans, its accumulation in ground water after heavy rains and movement into surface waters has increased concern about its larger environmental and human health impact. [3] Notably, glyphosate has been detected in concentrations up to 27.8 µg L −1 in 44% of Midwestern stream samples from a study performed during the 2013 Midwestern growing season. [4] A South Carolina and Minnesota study showed positive glyphosate detection in farmers' urine during their application cycle of up to 3.2 µg L −1 , [5] while a similar study in Wisconsin confirmed a maximum sample concentration of 12 µg kg −1 . [6] Perhaps more worrisome, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a "probable human carcinogen," a claim highly contested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), [7] though critiques have been made regarding both the EPA's and European Food Safety Authority's analysis Glyphosate is a globally applied herbicide yet it has been relatively undetectable in-field samples outside of gold-standard techniques. Its presumed nontoxicity toward humans has been contested by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, while it has been detected in farmers' urine, surface waters and crop residues. Rapid, on-site detection of glyphosate is hindered by lack of field-deployable and easy-to-use sensors that circumvent sample transportation to limited laboratories that possess the equipment needed for detection. Herein, the flavoenzyme, glycine oxidase, immobilized on platinumdecorated laser-induced graphene (LIG) is used for selective detection of glyphosate as it is a substrate for GlyOx. The LIG platform provides a scaffold for enzyme attachment while maintaining the electronic and surface properties of graphene. The sensor exhibits a linear range of 10-260 µm, detection limit of 3.03 µm, and sensitivity of 0.991 nA µm −1 . The sensor shows minimal interference from the commonly used herbicides and insecticides: atrazine, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, dicamba, parathion-methyl, paraoxon-methyl, malathion, chlorpyrifos, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and imidacloprid. Sensor function is further tested in complex river water and crop residue fluids, which validate this platform as a scalable, direct-write, and selective method of glyphosate detection for herbicide mapping and food analysis.