For a random walk Sn, n ≥ 0 in Z d , let l(n, x) be its local time at the site x ∈ Z d . Define the α-fold self intersection local time Ln(α) := x l(n, x) α , and let Ln(α|ǫ, d) the corresponding quantity for d-dimensional simple random walk. Without imposing any moment conditions, we show that the variances of the local times var(Ln(α)) of any genuinely ddimensional random walk are bounded above by the corresponding characteristics of the simple symmetric random walk in Z d , i.e. var(Ln(α)) ≤ C var[Ln(α|ǫ, d)] ∼ K d,α v d,α (n). In particular, variances of local times of all genuinely d-dimensional random walks, d ≥ 4, are similar to the 4-dimensional symmetric case var(Ln(α)) = O(n). On the other hand, in dimensions d ≤ 3 the resemblance to the simple random walk lim infn→∞ var(Ln(α))/v d,α (n) > 0 implies that the jumps must have zero mean and finite second moment.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 60G50, 60F05. Key words and phrases. Self-intersection local time, random walk in random scenery.