One of our research lines has been the chemical studies among Calceolaria species (Scrophulariaceae), from which have been isolated 77 new diterpenes of various skeleton types (labdanes, pimaranes, stemaranes, and stemodanes), all coming from a common bicyclic intermediate, having H-9 and C-20 as a cis relationship and C-11 becomes trans with respect to C-20. Another line of research is bringing out chemical changes on diterpenes obtained from this family, using biological systems as the fungus Giberella fujikuroi and Mucor plumbeus.About 200 genera belong to the Scrophulariaceae family, and about 4900 species are distributed all over the world, especially in medium-temperature regions [1]. Only the third part of these genera have been chemically studied, and iridoids, phenylpropanoids, saponines, cardiotonic glycosides, flavanoids, alkaloids, and terpenes have been isolated. Many of these compounds have interesting biological activitiesSix genera are represented in Chile, and among these Calceolaria is the most abundant with 86 species and Stemodia, which has only one species [3].During 15 years, our research has allowed us to isolate 77 new diterpenes from different species of the genus Calceolaria and 5 diterpenes from the species Stemodia chilense. These diterpenes are of various types of skeletons, i.e., labdane, abietane, pimarane, stemarane, stemodane, and thyrsiflorane.In the chemical study of Calceolaria glandulosa [4] we have found diterpenes of the pimarane skeleton, 18 hydroxy-9-epi-ent-isopimara-7,15-diene 1, in which a methine carbon appears at an unusually upfield position (δ38 ppm); this fact made that a normal isopimaradiene structure was discarded, because apart from the known endocyclic homoallylic effect of the ∆ 7 bond [5] and the γ-gauche effect due to the C-18 oxymethylene group, another interaction must operate in order to justify this unusually upfield absorption of C-5 (normal value at δ50 ppm). This effect could be explained by the interaction imposed by an uncommon orientation of C-11, which also produced an additional γ-effect on C-5; it also produces a shielding effect on C-1, as well as a deshielding on C-20. In order to remove any ambiguity concerning the structure and stereochemistry of compound 1, it was subjected to X-ray analysis.9-Epimeric diterpenoids constitute a relative rare group of secondary metabolites with only a few examples known prior to our work, i.e., annonalide [6], momilactones A-C [5,7] .From a biogenetic point of view, the formation of all the diterpenes found in Calceolaria species involves an enzimatic activity conducting toward a "chair-boat" cyclization of geranyl-geranyl *Lecture presented at the 22