A B S T RA CTThe steady-state gating of individual batrachotoxin-modified sodium channels in neutral phospholipid bilayers exhibits spontaneous, reversible changes in channel activation, such that the midpoint potential (V~) for the gating curves may change, by 30 mV or more, with or without a change in the apparent gating valence (za). Consequently, estimates for V a and, in particular, z a from ensembleaveraged gating curves differ from the average values for V, and z~ from singlechannel gating curves. In addition to these spontaneous variations, the average Va shifts systematically as a function of [NaCI] (being -109, -88, and -75 mV at 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 M NaCI), with no systematic variation in the average z a (~ 3.7). The [NaC1]-dependent shifts in V~ were interpreted in terms of screening of fixed charges near the channels' gating machinery. Estimates for the extracellular and intracellular apparent charge densities (~ =-0.7 and cr~ =-0.08 e/nm ~) were obtained from experiments in symmetrical and asymmetrical NaCI solutions using the Gouy-Chapman theory. In 0.1 M NaCI the extracellular and intracellular surface potentials are estimated to be -94 and -17 mV, respectively. The intrinsic midpoint potential, corrected for the surface potentials, is thus about -30 mV, and the standard free energy of activation is approximately -12 kJ/mol. In symmetrical 0.I M NaCI, addition of 0.005 M Ba 2+ to the extracellular solution produced a 17-mV depolarizing shift in V a and a slight reduction in z a. The shift is consistent with predictions using the Gouy-Chapman theory and the above estimate for ~e. Subsequent addition of 0.005 M Ba 2÷ to the intracellular solution produced a ~ 5-mV hyperpolarizing shift in the ensemble-averaged gating curve and reduced z, by ~ 1. This Ba2+-induced shift is threefold larger than predicted, which together with the reduction in z, implies that Ba 2+ may bind at the intracellular channel surface.