The dielectric submicroscopic phase (DSP) characterisation of oxidised engine oils dispersed in 3# jet fuel has been analysed by on‐line dielectric spectroscopy (DES) in order to establish the correlation between engine oil oxidation degradation degrees and its DSP characteristics. Seven samples with different oxidation degradation degrees called oxidation‐series samples prepared by simulation oxidation have been analysed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and their insoluble content values according to GB/T8296 have been obtained. A series of dispersion systems composed of 0.3 ml oxidation‐series samples as the dispersed substances and 3 ml 3# jet fuel as the corresponding dispersion mediums have been designed and tested by on‐line DES during the dispersion processes, which resulted in seven series of dispersion‐series samples. Significant DES differences between the 3# jet fuel dispersion mediums and the dispersion systems have been obtained. During the dispersion process, the significant trends including dielectric enhancement stages and dielectric weakening stages have been observed according to both the raw on‐line DES spectra and DES distances, which resulted from the dielectric inhomogeneity and could be regarded as the main DSP characteristics of dispersion systems. The fact that the DSP characteristics were significantly different from the interfacial polarisation characteristics of heterogeneous systems has been verified by the on‐line DES Cole–Cole plots. It has also been proved that there the DSP characteristics of dispersion systems were consistent with their oxidation degradation degrees. And good regression performance can be obtained from both the on‐line DES distances on the basis of partial least squares and on‐line DES spectral data on the basis of multilinear‐partial least squares for insoluble contents and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy oxidation peak areas. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.