“…In the last 20 years, institutional directors who represent investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, and banks have abandoned their former passive role on company boards to become increasingly active, thus raising their influence on financial markets (Wen, ). According to López‐Iturriaga, García‐Meca, and Tejerina‐Gaite (), institutional directors play an essential role in monitoring managers, and previous research demonstrates that these directors have effect on leverage (David, Hitt, & Gimeno, ), financial reporting quality (Ajinkya, Bhojraj, & Sengupta, ; Pucheta‐Martínez & García‐Meca, ), and firm performance (Pucheta‐Martínez & García‐Meca, ), inter alia. Furthermore, institutional directors have been increasing their activism concerning CSR, trying to integrate social, ethical, and environmental matters in their businesses (Wen, ).…”