“…A set of trials consists of 20 fall actions (front-lying, frontprotection-lying, front-knees, front-knees-lying, front-right, front-left, front-quickrecovery, front-slow-recovery, back-sitting, back-lying, back-right, back-left, rightsideway, right-recovery, left-sideway, left-recovery, syncope, syncope-wall, podium, rolling-out-bed) and 16 ADLs (lying-bed, rising-bed, sit-bed, sit-chair, sit-sofa, sit-air, walking-forward, jogging, walking-backward, bending, bending-pick-up, stumble, limp, squatting-down, trip-over, coughing-sneezing). We adopted these from [19] and each lasted about 15 s on the average. The 14 volunteers repeated each test for five times.…”