Extensively increasing numbers of radio electronic devices significantly complicate the electromagnetic situation under conditions of radio frequency spectrum deficiency and require improvement in the functions and mechanisms of spectrum monitoring systems. Today, in the framework of the existing ground-borne spectrum monitoring system, it is impossible to qualitatively perform the functions and problems of spectrum monitoring. Spectrum (radio) monitoring is one of the main techniques for spectrum load estimation to solve problems of perspective management of the radio frequency spectrum with the purpose of developing new radio technologies. Therefore, the problem of improving the effectiveness of spectrum monitoring does not lose relevance. When solving such problems, one of the most important factors is the extraction of an effective signal with background noise and interference. Therefore, the effectiveness of the Kalman filter application for satellite-based radio monitoring systems is considered in this study. The proposed method for detecting radio signals using Kalman filters makes it possible to make correct decisions with high accuracy. The simulation results show that Kalman filters work effectively even at a negative signal-to-noise ratio (90% and higher), adapting to the original signal at different noise dispersions in a noisy signal. It can be concluded that this method can be successfully applied to solve problems of detecting sources of radiation of a certain frequency according to the signal registered by the onboard receiver of the satellite spectrum monitoring system. The influence of the Kalman filter decisionmaking speed on the results of radio signal processing was estimated.INDEX TERMS Kalman filter, low-orbit small spacecraft, Satellite Spectrum Monitoring radio-frequency spectrum, radio monitoring.