It is increasingly clear that pest species vary widely in their propensities to develop insecticide resistance. This review uses a comparative approach to analyze the key pest management practices and ecological and biochemical or genetic characteristics of the target that contribute to this variation. We focus on six heliothine species, three of which, Helicoverpa armigera, Heliothis virescens, and Helicoverpa zea, have developed resistances to many pesticide classes. The three others, Helicoverpa punctigera, Helicoverpa assulta, and Helicoverpa gelotopoeon, also significant pests, have developed resistance to very few pesticide classes. We find that host range and movement between alternate hosts are key ecological traits that influence effective selection intensities for resistance. Operational issues are also critical; area-wide, cross-pesticide management practices that account for these ecological factors are key to reducing selection intensity. Without such management, treatment using broad-spectrum chemicals serves to multiply the effects of host plant preference, preadaptive detoxification ability, and high genetic diversity to create a pesticide treadmill for the three high-propensity species.Without rigorous ongoing management, such a treadmill could still develop for newer, more selective chemistries and insecticidal transgenic crops.