Journal of Physiologytimed combinations of TMS and visual stimuli to analyse the interaction between TMS and sensory evoked activity at the cortical level.
General proceduresUnder deep anaesthesia induced by a combination of ketamine (20 mg kg _1 I.M., Ketanest, Parke-Davies, Germany) and xylazine (2 mg kg _1 I.M., Rompun, Bayer, Germany), cats (n = 7) were fixed into position using standard stereotaxic methods. All incisions and pressure points were also locally anaesthetised by xylocaine (2 %, Astra Chemicals, Germany). Craniotomies provided access to area 17 of the right hemisphere for single-unit recording, and to area 18 of the left hemisphere for epidural EEG recording, via a 0.5 mm silver ball electrode. Relaxation to enable artificial ventilation of the lungs was achieved with alcuronium chloride (0.15 mg kg _1 h _1 , Alloferin 10, Hoffmann-La Roche, Germany) in 1 % glucose-Ringer solution, infused via the femoral artery. Continuous anaesthesia during recording sessions was achieved by artificial respiration with N 2 O-O 2 (70 %-30 %) and halothane (0.6-2.5 % Fluothane, ICI-Pharma, Germany). Halothane was increased to 2.0 % or more during any potentially painful procedure like handling the contact lenses or performing a new electrode penetration through the dura mater. During the recording sessions the level of anaesthesia was lowered to 0.6-1.0 % halothane to reduce intoxication of the liver during the long-lasting experiments (4-5 days). Blood pressure, heart rate and the EEG were monitored continuously, and the level of anaesthesia was increased (halothane 1.0-2.0 %) when increases in blood pressure or heart rate, or a loss of EEG delta waves signalled distress of the animal. To our knowledge, these procedures are sufficient to prevent the experimental animal from suffering pain.