We had already reported a speciˆcity of the anti-A monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that were produced by immunization of mice with salivary mucin obtained from blood group A secretors and non-secretors. In this report, an anti-A mAb K7405 reacting to the saliva from secretor, and a K7516 anti-A mAb reacting to the saliva from both secretor and non-secretor were applied to forensic investigation. In the forensic blood typing of saliva, blood group A secretors and blood group A nonsecretors can be clearly discriminated by the combined application of K7405 and K7516 for an absorption test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and mixed cell agglutination reaction. However, the two mAbs could not completely discriminate between secretors and non-secretors from seminal samples.