Standard Si CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS enable unparalleled integration density, yield, and functionality on a single chip. In addition to realization of high performance mixed signal circuits, such as data converters, there have been many impressive demonstrations of highly integrated RF chips, including full multielement phased arrays at mm-wave frequencies. However, the performance is not ideal because silicon cannot compete with III-V technologies in terms of power density, efficiency, noise figure, dynamic range or linearity, and speed.Heterogeneously integrating III-V devices with the CMOS gives the designers state of art III-V performance combined with the integration density and functionality of silicon. We present the status of the direct growth/fabrication of InP HBT and GaN HEMT materials/devices on a silicon substrate containing high density Si CMOS. The integration process is similar to the SiGe BiCMOS process and can be considered a III-V BiCMOS process.