Silicon photonic devices and integrated circuits have undergone rapid and significant progresses during the last decade, transitioning from research topics in universities to product development in corporations. Silicon photonics is anticipated to be a disruptive optical technology for data communications, with applications such as intra-chip interconnects, short-reach communications in datacenters and supercomputers, and long-haul optical transmissions. Bell Labs, as the research organization of Alcatel-Lucent, a network system vendor, has an optimal position to identify the full potential of silicon photonics both in the applications and in its technical merits. Additionally it has demonstrated novel and improved high-performance optical devices, and implemented multi-function photonic integrated circuits to fulfill various communication applications. In this paper, we review our silicon photonic programs and main achievements during recent years. For devices, we review highperformance single-drive push-pull silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators, hybrid silicon/III-V lasers and silicon nitrideassisted polarization rotators. For photonic circuits, we review silicon/silicon nitride integration platforms to implement wavelength-division multiplexing receivers and transmitters. In addition, we show silicon photonic circuits are well suited for dual-polarization optical coherent transmitters and receivers, geared for advanced modulation formats. We also discuss various applications in the field of communication which may benefit from implementation in silicon photonics.