of 5.8 GHz by 0.2%. The output power is measured to be about Ϫ25.17 dBm, using an Agilent E4440A spectrum analyzer and a double-ridged horn antenna (gain ϭ 17 dBi) as a reference antenna placed at a distance of 2 m. The effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) corresponding to the above data is 19.2 mW [7]. The simulated and measured radiation patterns for the E-plane and H-plane are shown in Figure 4. The simulated radiation patterns are calculated by using the gap-source technique with the commercial EM simulator HFSS, considering the complete activefeedback antenna, which has same layout, except with an active transistor. Both of the radiation patterns are similar to that of the ordinary microstrip patch antenna. The received cross-polarizations in the E-plane and H-plane of the AIA are approximately Ϫ17 and Ϫ13 dB lower than the maximum co-polarized radiation, respectively. The measured co-polarized radiation patterns in the E-plane and H-plane have a similar trend with those of the simulated results. As seen in Figure 4(b), the radiation pattern in the H-plane is asymmetrical due to the asymmetrical presence of the distributed oscillator-feedback circuitry.
CONCLUSIONIn this paper, a feedback-antenna oscillator using a T-shaped microstrip coupled patch antenna has been proposed at 5.8 GHz. The fabricated active antenna was investigated and a comparison of the measured and simulated results was presented. The active antenna utilizes electromagnetic coupling between the T-shaped microstrip and the patch in order to close the feedback loop. The oscillator antenna achieves an EIRP of 19.2 mW and the crosspolarization levels in the E-plane and H-plane are less than Ϫ17 and Ϫ13 dB, respectively. Since the T-shaped microstrip-coupled antenna shows a good DC isolation, we need no a chip capacitor is unnecessary; thus, resulting in a low-cost and easy-to-fabricate active transmitting system. To date, gallium arsenide (GaAs) has been used predominantly in the development of MMICs, since its semi-insulating properties and high electron mobility make it suitable for microwave applications. However, the absence of natural oxide, a small wafer size of less than four inches in diameter with the resultant high fabrication cost, and the low thermal conductivity of GaAs are still problematic in the development of MMICs [5].If silicon could be used as a substrate material, many of the drawbacks of using GaAs would be overcome. In addition, by using silicon as the substrate material, standard CMOS fabrication processes can be employed. However, in spite of its low cost and high thermal conductivity, critical characteristics for high-power device operation, the use of standard CMOS-grade silicon with resistivity typically on the order of 0.5 to 20⍀ cm for MMIC applications has been limited by its high loss, especially in the RF frequency range. Suggestions for the reduction of insertion loss attributed to silicon have included the insertion of a polyimide layer between the standard silicon and circuits [3], or the use of circu...