Toward a partial classification of monomial ideals with d-linear resolution, in this paper, some classes of d-uniform clutters which do not have linear resolution, but every proper subclutter of them has a d-linear resolution, are introduced and the regularity and Betti numbers of circuit ideals of such clutters are computed. Also, it is proved that for given two d-uniform clutters C1, C2, the CastelnuovoMumford regularity of the ideal I(C1 ∪ C2) is equal to the maximum of regularities of I(C1) and I(C2), whenever V (C1) ∩ V (C2) is a clique or SC(C1) ∩ SC(C2) = ∅.As applications, alternative proofs are given for Fröberg's Theorem on linearity of edge ideal of graphs with chordal complement as well as for linearity of generalized chordal hypergraphs defined by Emtander. Finally, we find minimal free resolutions of the circuit ideal of a triangulation of a pseudo-manifold and a homology manifold explicitly.