In QCD, magnetic monopoles are crucial elements for the mechanism of color confinement, and instantons induce spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. However, showing the relations among the monopoles, instantons, and chiral symmetry breaking is difficult because of the strong interaction in the low-energy QCD. Therefore, we perform numerical simulations and show the relations that experiments can detect. First, we add a monopole and an anti-monopole varying their magnetic charges to the QCD vacua by applying the monopole creation operator. Second, we estimate the monopole and instanton effects on observables using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the overlap Dirac operator. Finally, we compare the outcomes with the predictions. In the previous research, we found that the added monopoles and anti-monopoles create instantons and anti-instantons. We have discovered the following effects on the observables by increasing the number density of instantons and anti-instantons. First, the chiral condensate (negative values) decreases. Second, the masses of light quarks and mesons become heavy, and the decay constants of light mesons increase. Third, the decay width of the charged pion becomes wide; therefore, its lifetime becomes short. We have demonstrated quantitative relations among these observables and the number density of instantons and anti-instantons. These results, however, were obtained using the QCD vacuum of one lattice volume of one lattice spacing. Therefore, this research examines the influences of finite lattice volume and discretization. Finally, we obtain the interpolated results at the continuum limit and show the quantitative relations.