The purpose of this study is to deal with dynamic interdependence between economic growth, economic structure, and residential distribution. It develops a spatial dynamic economic model on basis of microeconomic foundation. It integrates the economic mechanisms of the Solow one-sector growth model, the Alonso spatial residential model, and the Dixit-Stiglitz equilibrium model with imperfect market. We apply neoclassical economic growth of perfect competition to describe the growth determinant, the neoclassical urban residential model to determine residential location, and the basic model of new growth theory with imperfect market to take account of perfect and imperfect competition in spatial equilibrium structure. The basic economic mechanisms of the three approaches are integrated by using Zhang new approach to formally model household behavior. We determine the motion by simulation. Then we conduct comparative dynamic analysis to analyze how exogenous changes in different parameters affect residential distribution, economic growth, and economic structure. The study shows how changes in preferences and technologies affect economic growth, economic structure, land rent, and residential distribution.