The animated film Nussa is a drama, adventure, and comedy released in October 2021. This study will identify the characteristics of the Nussa animated film genre as a drama, adventure, and compatible genre film. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The theory used in this research is the Jane Stokes genre theory, which is divided into six categories: setting, location, iconography, narrative events, characters, and structure. The results of this study found pictures and dialogue scenes that depict pieces of film with the genre of drama, adventure, and combinations. These characteristics include the setting in the month of Ramadhan and locations commonly used in daily life, such as homes, rooms, schools, and playgrounds. In the iconography, most of the characters wear a Muslim dress style. Narrative events such as Nussa's adventures in participating in science competitions, starting from the arrival of Joni as Nussa's rival in the science competition, Nussa sad because his Abah did not come home until Nussa gave up his ambition to become a champion. All the characters in the Nussa film are protagonists and several supporting characters. The plot structure uses progressive linear, which tells the story of friendship and family. As a domestically produced animated film, Nussa won the 2021 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) award in the best feature-length animated film category. Nussa's film provides many positive, inspirational, and educational lessons.