Consider someone who has achieved a high level of rational confidence about the meaning of life, and is in fact correct in their view. Like most people, they also have high rational confidences about a vast range of more mundane but still somewhat important truths -where their car keys are, what color their shirt is, whether it will rain tomorrow, etc. The devil gives them a choice: surrender their knowledge of the meaning of life, becoming fully uncertain about this topic forever, or instead give up a tiny bit of certainty about each of these mundane topics. Intuitively, they ought to choose the latter, no matter how many credences about mundane topics the choice involves. We get the same intuition if we replace the belief about the meaning of life with a belief about some other extremely important-seeming topic, such as the existence of God, core moral truths, and so forth. But what if the devil had given them a different choice: lose just a tiny bit of certainty about the meaning of life or lose everything