Imaginative resistance refers to a phenomenon in which people resist engaging in particular prompted imaginative activities. On one influential diagnosis of imaginative resistance, the systematic difficulties are due to these particular propositions' discordance with real-world norms. is essay argues that this influential diagnosis is too simple. While imagination is indeed by default constrained by real-world norms during narrative engagement, it can be freed with the power of genre conventions and expectations.Nothing is more free than the imagination of man, says David Hume in An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. Our pre-theoretical understanding agrees. In important ways, imagination seems to be the the opposite of belief: unbounded from actuality, free to wander through possibilia, and unconstrained by norms. However, in recent years philosophers have uncovered a curious collection of phenomena that challenges our pre-theoretical understanding of imagination, especially its alleged lack of normative governance. 1 As a first pass, imaginative resistance is the collection of phenomena concerned with people's systematic difficulties with imagining particular propositions, notably morally deviant ones. * I am most thankful to Kendall Walton for his attentive and critical guidance throughout the long development of this essay. For other helpful discussions and comments, I am thankful to