Amphidium Schimp. is characterized by cushion-forming erect primary stems, linear-lanceolate leaves, and gymnostome capsules. The phylogenetic position of Amphidium is uncertain, with the genus having been variously included in Zygodontaceae Schimp., Rhabdoweisiaceae Limpr., Orthotrichaceae Arn. and Amphidiaceae M. Stech. A palynological investigation was performed of the three species of the genus that occur in the Americas: Amphidium lapponicum (Hedw.) Schimp., Amphidium mougeotii (Bruch & Schimp.) Schimp., and Amphidium tortuosum (Hornsch.) Cufod. Spores were observed and measured for greatest diameter under light microscopy both before and after acetolysis. Non-acetolyzed spores were observed under scanning electron microscopy to assess surface ornamentation of the sporoderm. All spores observed were smaller than 20 µm and heteropolar, with surface ornamentation reflecting a combination of different elements, such as gemmae, rugulae and perforations. The palynological characteristics observed here suggest that the genus Amphidium, and thus its contained species, be placed in their own family.