-Cactus is crucial for the livestock of semi-arid regions in Brazil. This plant has shown the high productivity of forage, which is influenced by several management factors. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of organic fertilization doses (20, 40 and 80 t/ ha of bovine manure/ha/two years) and planting densities (20, 40, 80 and 160 thousand plants/ha) on the productivity of cactus pear Clone IPA-20 (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill). At the Experimental Station of Caruaru at the Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco, IPA has conducted the experiment. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with split plot arrangements. Higher shoot productivity was observed with increased population density and the application of manure at 80 t ha-1two years-1 with values of 61, 90, 117 and 139 t DM ha -1 two years -1 at densities of 20, 40, 80 and 160,000 plants ha-1. The planting density influenced the productivity of cladode-plant and root dry weight, showing exponential responses, with higher cladode-plant and roots weight by area observed with increased plant density. The efficiency of organic fertilization decreased with the increase in manure doses. For increase cactus productivity, 40 t of bovine manure ha -1 two years -1 for plantations with 160,000 plants/ha is recommended. , 80 e 160.000 plantas/ha. A produtividade do cladódio-planta e peso seco da raiz foram influenciados pela densidade de plantio, apresentando respostas exponenciais, tendendo a apresentar maior peso do cladódio planta e raízes por área com a elevação da densidade de plantio. A eficiência da adubação orgânica diminuiu com a elevação das doses de esterco. Recomenda-se para plantios com 160.000 plantas/ha aplicação de, no mínimo, 40 t de esterco bovino/ha/dois anos para incremento na produtividade da palma.
KeywordsPalavras-chave: Cactácea. Esterco bovino. Opuntia. População de plantas.