One of the main reservoirs of the causative agent of trichinosis in the Amur region is the badger, whose meat and fat are used for medicinal purposes or as a delicacy. Data on infection of badgers and the localization of Trichinella larvae in the muscle tissue of badgers are ambiguous. The morphological features of the development of muscle tissue in badgers are associated with lifestyle, which is likely reflected in the localization of Trichinella larvae in certain muscles. The goal is to determine the morphological parameters of capsules of Trichinella larvae in the muscle tissue of badgers in the conditions of the Amur region. The material was the muscle tissue of the skeletal muscles of the head, pectoral, pelvic limbs, muscles of the spinal column and abdominal cavity of badgers, hunted by hunters under licenses in the Amur region.Detection of Trichinella larvae was carried out by compressor trichinoscopy and digestion in individual housing, according to MUK 4.2.2747-10 “Methods of sanitary and parasitological examination of meat and meat products.” For each muscle, the intensity of invasion was determined (personal/gram). Morphological parameters of capsules of Trichinella larvae were determined using an eyepiece micrometer. The capsule shape index was calculated using the formula V=D/L.The most invaded muscles in badgers have been identified and the shape index of capsules of Trichinella larvae has been determined. Areas of natural foci of trichinosis in the Amur region have been identified. In badgers, the most infested Trichinella larvae are the head muscles (mylohyoid muscle, tongue muscle tissue and masticatory muscle), which are preferable to take for diagnosing trichinosis in this animal species.The rounded shape of the capsules of Trichinella larvae (shape index 0.72), characteristic of badgers of the weasel family, was established. The areas of natural foci of trichinosis have been identified - Mikhailovsky, Seryshevsky, Blagoveshchensky, Tambov and Ivanovo administrative districts of the Amur Region. Of particular concern is infection in the southern, most populated areas, where there is a high probability of the transition of trichinosis from natural foci to anthropurgic and synanthropic ones.