Nandrolone deconoate (ND), a testosterone analog, is often inappropriately used at high doses by sportspersons.The aim of the present study was to explore the volumetric effects of ND on the adrenal gland zones of male and female rats using a stereological technique. A total of 34 rats (30 days of age; 17 males, 17 females) were used. Control male (HMC) and female (HFC) control groups, vehicle male (VM) and female groups (VF), and Nandrolone deconoate male (NDM) and female (NDF) groups, were formed. Intraperitoneal (IP) injections were given 5 days a week for 4 weeks. At the end of the study, all rats were euthanized and the adrenal glands immediately removed. The tissues were fixed in Bouin's fluid and paraffin blocks were prepared for routine histological examination. Serial sections were selected using a systematic random sampling method, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Microscopic images were transferred to a personal computer. The zonal and medullary volumes were estimated using the Cavalieri principle. In male rats, significant differences were evident in the volumes of the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and medulla between the HMC and VM groups (P<0.05). The medullary volumes differed between the VM and NDM groups (P<0.05); however, NDM was the experimental group and VM the vehicle (oil) group. No difference was evident between the NDM and control groups. In female rats, no difference was evident between any two groups. Thus, ND does not seem to affect the rat adrenal glands.