mark the principal stages in the development of knowledge regarding the nonascosporogenous and filamentous yeasts called "monilias." During the past years several new papers have been published. They may be classified in two groups in accordance with the procedures used for the identification of the species within the genus Candida. Martin et al. (1937) and Martin and Jones (1940) adopted the method summarized by Conant (1940), whose procedures are as follows: (a) appearance of the growth in Sabouraud's glucose broth, on Sabouraud's glucose agar, and on beef-extract blood agar plates at pH 7.4 is studied; (b) the microscopical details are studied on corn meal agar slide cultures; (c) the fermentation reactions are tested in beef extract broth with glucose, maltose, sucrose, and lactose, in tubes sealed wTith sterile vaseline, and incubated at 37 C for 10 days. Conant recognized 7 species, M1onilia albicans, M. parakrusei, Ml. krusei, 3i. tropicalis, M. pseudotropicalis, M. stellatoidea, and M. guilliermondi. On the other hand, Langeron and Guerra (1938) adopted more complex methods in accordance with the procedures that Stelling-Dekker (1931) and Lodder (1934) used for the study of the ascosporogenous and nonascosporogenous yeasts. They studied the appearance of the growth on Sabouraud's agar, in 2 per cent glucose, 1 per cent peptone broth, and in Raulin's medium; the morphology was studied on slide cultures. T'he study of the biological characteristics included: (a) fermentation reactions with glucose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, fructose, galactose, and raffinose in tubes sealed with paraffin; (b) the study of the assimilation of these carbohydrates and of nitrogen (peptone, ammonium sulphate, asparagine, urea, histidine, glycocoll, potassium nitrate, and sometimes tryptophane); (c) utilization of ethyl alcohol; (d) growth in milk; (e) liquefaction of gelatin. Langeron and Guerra accepted 16 species which include those accepted by the American authors except MIonilia stellatoidea, which they did not study. Conant does not admit as valid some species admitted by Langeron and Guerra: Candida triadis and C. aldoi of the classification of Langeron and Guerra are considered by Conant as synonyms oL Candida (Monilia) albicans; Candida intermedia as identical with Candida tropicalis; Candida brumpti, Candida chalmersi, and Candida flareri as synonyms of Candida parakrusei. Diddens and Lodder (1939a) recognized the genera Candida Berkhout and 317