. Downregulation in the expression of the serine dehydratase in the rat liver during chronic metabolic acidosis. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 291: R1295-R1302, 2006. First published June 22, 2006 doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00095.2006.-Blood pH controls the activity of important regulatory enzymes in the metabolism. Serine dehydratase (SerDH) transforms L-serine into pyruvate and ammonium and is involved in the regulation of gluconeogenesis from serine in the rat liver. In this work, we investigate the effect of chronic metabolic acidosis on the kinetics, specific protein level, tissue location, and mRNA levels of rat liver SerDH. Experimental acidosis was induced in rats by ingestion of 0.28 M ammonium chloride solution for 10 days. Acidosis significantly (P Ͻ 0.05) decreased SerDH activity at all substrate concentrations assayed. Moreover, the V max value was 38.50 Ϯ 3.51 mU/mg (n ϭ 7) of mitochondrial protein in the acidotic rats and 92.49 Ϯ 6.79 mU/mg (n ϭ 7) in the control rats. Western blot analysis revealed a significant reduction (14%) in the level of SerDH protein content in the rat liver during acidosis. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that SerDH location did not change in response to chronic metabolic acidosis and confirmed previous results on SerDH protein levels. Moreover, the SerDH mRNA level, estimated by RT-PCR, was also significantly 33.8% lower than in control. These results suggest that during experimental acidosis a specific repression of rat-liver SerDH gene transcription could result, lowering the amount and activity of this enzyme. The changes found in SerDH expression are part of an overall metabolic response of liver to maintain acid-base homeostasis during acidosis. NH 4Cl; reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction; serine catabolism ACIDOSIS IS A METABOLIC STATE in which, for different causes, blood pH and bicarbonate fall. In these cases, the organism attempts to compensate for these imbalances by increasing the respiratory frequency or adapting its metabolism to facilitate the removal of protons via renal excretion and thus restore the serum-bicarbonate level. For this, major metabolic adaptations occur in liver and kidney. During this situation, liver metabolism helps maintain the acid-base balance by controlling the ammonium supply to kidney in the form of glutamine (1, 21, 50). In parallel, amino-acid breakdown (34, 42) and gluconeogenesis (9, 26) are also regulated. In this situation, the hepatic synthesis of urea and glucose are inhibited, and glutamine metabolism shifts to the net release of this amino acid to serum (1,21,50). In kidney, the fall in blood pH values intensifies the catabolism of glutamine and gluconeogenesis (26). The increased glutamine catabolism increases the renal excretion of protons in the form of ammonium and gluconeogenesis as one end pathway of the metabolism of the carbon backbone of glutamine. These changes are due to an induction of glutaminase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) during this situation ...