The aim of this work was the monitoring of electromagnetic environment generated by mobile communication terminals (MCTs) in the places of their active operation for identifying statistical relationships between incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and results of this monitoring. Material and Methods -To assess the electromagnetic environment the energy flow density (EFD) of MCTs was determined by the PZ-34 electromagnetic flow meter. Medical-statistical analysis of CVD was carried out using the data from statistical reports. Pearson correlation coefficient and Kendall rank correlation coefficient were calculated. Results -The electromagnetic environment was monitored at 472 points, and the values of EFD were within range of 0.82±0.02 μW/cm 2 to 2.09±0.12 μW/cm 2 . Significant positive correlation was found between average values of EFD and overall incidence of CVD (Tau=0.411, p=0.01). Conclusion -Monitoring of electromagnetic environment created by MCTs revealed that the average value of EFD was 1.35±0.07 μW/cm 2 .We have found a statistically significant correlation between the mean values of EFD and overall incidence of CVD, among individual CVD there was a highly significant positive correlation with ischemic heart disease incidence, and there was a positive correlation with average values of CVD incidence growth rate. Cite as Yashchenko SG, Rybalko SYu, Shibanov SE. Influence of electromagnetic environment of mobile communication devices on incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Hygiene and Environmental Health [ © 2018, LLC Science and Innovations, Saratov, Russia www.romj.orgIHD, EBP OM, between EFD and IHD GR; and in resort areasbetween EFD and EBP OM GR.
LimitationsLimitations of this study able to decrease accuracy of assessment of EFD impact on CVD are of multiple origin; specifically, we didn't take into account population density, migration, seasonal migration, other cardiovascular risk factors, which were not discussed in this article. Moreover, limitations of this study are caused by strict formalization of statistical reports by Ministry of Health of Republic of Crimea.
Ethical approvalStudy of this type doesn't require approval of an ethics committee.