Syagrus coronata known as licuri, ouricuri, or uricuri is a palm tree from dried areas in Brazil and it is an important resource for the local population. The objective of this work was to evaluate the nutritional value of licuri kernels from the Territory of Sisal (State of Bahia) and to develop cookies prepared with licuri kernels and cassava flour. The licuri kernel showed high content of total dietary fiber (13 -15%) with values equivalent to that observed for coconut kernel. The content of minerals such as zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and copper was similar to those recorded for commercial nuts and superior to coconut kernel. The licuri kernel presented an oil content of 61-66%, with a predominance of lauric acid. The main sterols were Sitosterol, Campesterol and Δ5-avenasterol. The formulations of cookies with licuri kernel (5 and 10%) and commercial cassava flour (4.5 and 9%) showed no differences in general acceptance, aroma, flavor, and texture. The kernel of Syagrus coronata represents an important source of dietary fiber, lipids, and minerals and the results indicate that besides its traditional application, this use represents the increasing the nutritional value of cookies in compliance with global trends.