“…Here, the number of subpopulations ranged from two to five: two (for the X-/Y-bearing bovine sperm heads,15 for large+elongated/small+elongated sperm heads in human adolescents8), three (for large+round/elongated/small spermatozoa in human sperm heads in split ejaculate fractions,7 for elongated+intermediate/large+high acrosome/short+small sperm heads in the puma,11 for small, wide and slightly elliptical/average size, long, narrow and very elliptical/very large, wide and elliptical sperm heads in the rooster12), four (for large/high medium/low medium/small in human sperm head DNA,9 for small/short/large/narrow sperm heads in the bull,14 for shape-related sperm heads in both normo- and terato-zoospermic cats10) to five (for very small, wide, very short and slightly elliptical/small, very short, very wide and slightly elliptical/very large, very wide, short and slightly elliptical/average size, very long, very narrow and very elliptical/average size, long, narrow and elliptical sperm heads in the guinea fowl12). …”