Clavicle bone performs significant role in movements of upper limb. Clavicle is a long horizontal bone bearing a two ends i.e. sternal end, acromial end and a shaft. The sternal end bears an impression on its lower surface that may be in the form of a tubercle, fossae or a depression called as costoclavicular area or rhomboid impression. Sternal end provide attached to sternum to form sternoclavicular joint. Morphology of this area is clinically vital for determination of age for radiological and forensic point of view.
This study was conducted on 100 dry clavicles, out of which 50 were of right and 50 were of left side with unknown sex and age. In this study shapes of sternal end were observed with variations, photographed and compared with literature. Bones were taken from department in a tertiary care medical institute in Punjab.
RESULT: In this study 100 clavicles comprising of 50 right and 50 left were taken and different shapes were perceived. Out of 100 bones only 39 bones were showing triangular shape of sternal end out of which 22 of right side and 17 of left side. Circular shape of sternal end seen in 19 bones out of which 9 of right side and 10 of left side. Quadrangular shape of sternal end seen in 42 bones out of which 19 of right side and 23 of left side.
CONCLUSION- Besides of quadrangular Triangular and Circular. There is no various study investigated on shapes of sternal end. This one can be useful variation factor. Sternal end plays vital role in forensic point of view.