SUMMARY Cerebral vascular carbon dioxide (CO2) reactivities were compared in normotensive (NTR) and hypertensive (SHR) rats. Cerebral bloodflow (CBF) in cortex and thalamus were evaluated before and during one hour of hyperventilation. After one hour of hyperventilation brain lactate, pyruvate, and ATP concentrations were also determined. Significant and similar reductions of CBF due to hyperventilation induced hypocapnia were found in both NTR and SHR groups. In contrast the percent increase in cerebrovascular resistance (CVR) per unit decrease in paC0 2 was significant, indicating that hypocapnia induced vasoconstriction is greater in NTR than in SHR groups. During hyperventilation the average value for lactate in the NTR group was 3.98 mM/kg. In contrast it was 3.15 mM/kg in the SHR group, a significant difference (p < 0.05). When paCC>2 fell below 15 mm Hg the cerebral lactate increased strikingly in the NTR group and cortical CVR was reduced suggesting that an accumulation of the ischemic metabolites caused dilatation of the constricted cerebral vessels. In contrast the SHR group disclosed no such changes. The increase CVR characteristic of SHR appeared to diminish the cerebral vasoconstrictive response to hypo capnia. As a result ischemic metabolites in the brain do not increase in this group to the degree that they do in NTR.Stroke Vol 13, No 5, 1982 IT HAS BEEN KNOWN that hyperventilation leads to cally ventilated with a gas mixture of 70% N 2 0 and vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries with reduced cere 30% of 0 2 . One femoral artery was cannulated to bral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral oxygen tension, 1 ' 2 measure blood pressure and for anaerobic sampling of and consequently alters the brain metabolism. '• 3 4 The arterial blood for pC0 2 , p0 2 and pH determinations electroencephalographic changes during hyperventila with a Model 113 IL meter. The body temperature, tion are indistinguishable from those observed during measured in the rectum, was kept close to 37°C cerebral hypoxia. 5,6 throughout the experiment. Our previous studies 7-10 have demonstrated that The animals were divided into two experimental spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) are more sus groups: one for measurements of local CBF and the ceptible to cerebral ischemia than normotensive rats other for determinations of brain tissue metabolites. (NTR) following bilateral carotid occlusion, suggest ing that the cerebral vasoreactivities to changes of the
Cerebral Blood Flowperfusion pressure might be different between SHR Twenty-two NTR and 22 SHR were used for this and NTR. In fact, the lower limit of cerebral autoregupurpose. The animal's head was fixed in a head holder, lation is significantly higher in SHR than NTR, and the and two small burr holes were made on the skull 2 mm increased cerebral vascular resistance due to the persis lateral to the bregma on each side for stereotaxic inser tent high blood pressure is responsible for such upward tion of teflon-coated platinum electrodes, one in the shift of the autoregulation in SHR...