Driving power metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor at high frequency may induce significant switching losses, which have a great proportion in total power losses. Especially in the case of higher temperature, switching losses increased tangibly. A novel temperature adaptive gate driver with low power consumption in a high-temperature environment is proposed for switched-mode power supply by the temperature compensation technique. It has been realised to decrease the switching losses in wide scope temperature, and cannot sacrifice performance of the electromagnetic interferences, by regulating di/dt and dv/dt of switching curve in high temperature. A 0.25 μm, 40 V bipolar-CMOS-DMOS (BCD) process technology is utilised and experimental circuits and results are then presented. Compared with the conventional gate driver, the turn-on loss and turn-off loss of the temperature adaptive gate driver can be reduced, respectively, by 17% and 22%. At present, it has been used in an AC-DC converter to improve work efficiency.