Clinical and experimental grafting in Parkinson's disease has shown the need for enhanced survival of dopamine neurons to obtain improved functional recovery. In addition, it has been suggested that a limited number of surviving dopamine neurons project to the dopamine-denervated host striatum. The aim of this study was to investigate if subpopulations of ventral mesencephalic dopamine neurons project to their normal targets, i.e., dorsal vs. ventral striatum. Following implantation of human ventral mesencepahlic tissue into the lateral ventricle of dopamine-depleted rats, human-derived dopamine reinnervation was achieved both in dorsal and ventral striatum. Treatment with the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) resulted in a degeneration of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive nerve fibers in dorsal striatum but not in ventral areas in some animals, while MPTP was without effect in other animals. TH-immunoreactive neurons were small and appeared shrunken in animals carrying grafts affected by the MPTP treatment. In conclusion, grafted dopamine neurons projected nerve fibers into areas that they normally innervate. Thus, when searching for factors that may enhance survival of grafted dopamine neurons it is important to study which subpopulation(s) of ventral mesencephalic dopamine neurons is affected, such that a proper reinnervation may be achieved.