A aeo&ical invatigation is made of the Moasbauer shift in crystals containing exchange coupled magnetic ions. It is found that the shift is caused by the exchange interaction and &pen& on the degree of ordering of the spin system. PaccMOTpeH BOIIPOC 0 BeJlUYUHe CnBUra M0CC6ay3pOBCKOrO CIIeKTpa B KpUCTaJInax, conepWaUUX MarHUTHbIe HOHbI, CBFI3aHHbIe 06MeHHbIM B3aUMOnefiCTBHeM. BunCHeHO, 4TO 06MeHHbIe B3aUMOXeftCTBUfl npMBOn.RT K CnBHIY, 3aBMCcllrreMy OT CTeneHu ynopanosesun CnUH-CUCTeMbl.