By using time-resolved x-ray crystallography at room temperature, structural relaxations and ligand migration were examined in myoglobin (Mb) mutant L29W from nanoseconds to seconds after photodissociation of carbon monoxide (CO) from the heme iron by nanosecond laser pulses. The data were analyzed in terms of transient kinetics by fitting trial functions to integrated difference electron density values obtained from select structural moieties, thus allowing a quantitative description of the processes involved. The observed relaxations are linked to other investigations on protein dynamics. At the earliest times, the heme has already completely relaxed into its domed deoxy structure, and there is no photodissociated CO visible at the primary docking site. Initial relaxations of larger globin moieties are completed within several hundred nanoseconds. They influence the concomitant migration of photodissociated CO to the Xe1 site, where it appears at Ϸ300 ns and leaves again at Ϸ1.5 ms. The extremely long residence time in Xe1 as compared with wild-type MbCO implies that, in the latter protein, the CO exits the protein from Xe1 predominantly via the distal pocket. A well-defined deligated state is populated between Ϸ2 s and Ϸ1 ms; its structure is very similar to the equilibrium deoxy structure. Between 1.5 and 20 ms, no CO is visible in the protein interior; it is either distributed among many sites within the protein or has escaped to the solvent. Finally, recombination at the heme iron occurs after >20 ms.kinetics ͉ Laue crystallography ͉ protein relaxation P roteins are not rigid molecules but fluctuating entities. They can adopt a large number of different conformations that can be depicted as local minima on a rugged energy surface (1). The dynamics of proteins shows strong analogies to the dynamics of viscous liquids. Motions occur on time scales from Ϸ10 Ϫ14 s to several thousands of seconds. Time and temperature are important determinants of protein motions on the energy landscape. At ambient temperature, a protein might be able to explore the entire landscape within a certain time interval, whereas it will become increasingly confined in a small region of its conformational space as the temperature is decreased (2, 3). Above a characteristic temperature T c (Ϸ180 K), quasidiffusive motions become important (4, 5). A significant fraction of conformational transitions occurs between 100 ps and a few nanoseconds in the case of myoglobin (Mb). Below T c , these fluctuations become more and more arrested. Proteins where larger motions are required for their function will cease to work.One method of studying protein dynamics is to generate a nonequilibrium state, for example, by changing the sample pressure, temperature, the concentrations of reaction components in fast mixing experiments, or by photodissociating ligands from proteins using short laser pulses. In a crystalline sample, the subsequent relaxation can be followed on the atomic scale by time-resolved x-ray crystallography (6-10) and interpreted kin...