Many insects hear the ultrasonic echolocation calls of hunting insectivorous bats in time to allow them to escape predation (Hoy and Robert, 1996;Miller and Surlykke, 2001) and the ears of moths are amongst the most neurologically simple, containing up to four auditory receptors. The most intensively studied of these are the two-celled ears of owlet moths (Noctuidae) (for reviews, see Roeder, 1967Roeder, , 1974Spangler, 1988;Hoy and Robert, 1996;Fullard, 1998) and in a series of classic papers, Roeder and his colleagues described the physiological responses of the noctuid A1 and A2 auditory cells as well as the apparently non-auditory B-cell. They proposed that noctuids respond to the approach of bats with a bimodal defensive flight behaviour determined by the closeness of the bat as perceived by the moth (Roeder, 1962(Roeder, , 1964(Roeder, , 1974. Aerially foraging bats emit intense echolocation calls as they hunt and use a series of acoustic stages leading to prey capture (Griffin, 1958): (1) search, (2) approach, (3) tracking (Kick and Simmons, 1984), (4) terminal buzz (I) and (5) terminal buzz (II) (Surlykke and Moss, 2000). According to Roeder's (1974) model, the first stage (far-bat) of a flying moth's anti-bat response occurs when it directionally detects a distant bat in its search mode (i.e. emitting relatively faint and slowly repeated echolocation calls) with the most sensitive receptor, the A1 cell. Theoretically, the responses of the A1 cell then evoke controlled, directional flight that takes the moth away from the bat before the bat has detected the echo of the moth. The moth's second defensive mode (near-bat) occurs when it detects a close bat (i.e. emitting relatively intense and rapidly repeated echolocation calls). These sounds activate both the A1 cell and the less sensitive receptor, A2 cell, evoking erratic, non-directional flight as a 'last-ditch', anti-bat flight maneuver. In addition to the A2 cell, Lechtenberg (1971) suggested that the third noctuid receptor, the B cell, considered by earlier authors to be non-auditory (Roeder and Treat, 1957;Treat and Roeder, 1959), might identify the characteristic calls of the terminal stage of the bat's attack to evoke a sustained near-bat response in an escaping moth. The A2 cell has also been implicated in the activation of another near-bat defence, sound-production in the dogbane tiger moth, Cycnia tenera (Fullard, 1992;Dawson and Fullard, 1995). As a way of testing the bimodal theory, Roeder (1974) suggested observing the anti-bat behaviour of prominent moths (Notodontidae) whose ears each contain only the A1 receptor cell, and the subsequent study by Surlykke (1984) challenged the theory that near-bat The simple auditory system of noctuoid moths has long been a model for anti-predator studies in neuroethology, although these ears have rarely been experimentally stimulated by the sounds they would encounter from naturally attacking bats. We exposed the ears of five noctuoid moth species to the pre-recorded echolocation calls of an attacking bat...