Mycelial fungi have a growth form which is unique among multicellular organisms. The data presented here suggest that they have developed a unique solution to internal solute translocation involving a complex, extended vacuole. In all filamentous fungi examined, this extended vacuole forms an interconnected network, dynamically linked by tubules, which has been hypothesized to act as an internal distribution system. We have tested this hypothesis directly by quantifying solute movement within the organelle by photobleaching a fluorescent vacuolar marker. Predictive simulation models were then used to determine the transport characteristics over extended length scales. This modeling showed that the vacuolar organelle forms a functionally important, bidirectional diffusive transport pathway over distances of millimeters to centimeters. Flux through the pathway is regulated by the dynamic tubular connections involving homotypic fusion and fission. There is also a strongly predicted interaction among vacuolar organization, predicted diffusion transport distances, and the architecture of the branching colony margin.Mycelial fungi have a growth form which is unique among multicellular organisms and which maintains a highly polarized internal cellular organization to support tip extension. Saprotrophic fungi are particularly adept at foraging for resources, often over inert substrates. This demands a bidirectional internal transport system to provide the tip with sufficient nutrients to maintain growth and to return newly discovered resources to the parent colony. However, despite the central importance of nutrient translocation to fungal growth, the mechanism(s) that drives transport and the identity of the transport pathway(s) are not known (5).It is well established that the vacuole serves as a storage compartment for (poly)phosphate (1, 2) and nitrogen (N), particularly as N-rich amino acids (19), and as these compounds are also extensively translocated in both mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi (3, 5), it has been proposed that the vacuole system may be directly involved in their longitudinal movement (1, 3). Vacuolar organization is unique in the filamentous fungi, with all species so far examined possessing a highly dynamic pleiomorphic tubular vacuolar system (1,2,6,16,25,28,32,33,36). While superficially similar reticulate vacuolar networks appear during normal vacuole ontogeny in yeasts (39) and plants (e.g., see reference 20) or in specialized cells such as pollen tubes (14), only in the filamentous fungi does the vacuole form a constitutive, physically contiguous, extended organelle spanning several cell (septal) compartments over a considerable physical distance. If this vacuole supported transport, it would provide an internal compartment, separate from the cytoplasm, with high concentrations of solutes and would contribute to bidirectional solute movement (2). However, despite the unique nature and considerable potential importance of such an intracellular transport system to filamentous fungi, to date t...