“…It is then known, by the work of Abresch-Langer [1] and independently of Epstein-Weinstein [6], that the only complete, embedded, self-similarly shrinking curves in R 2 without end-points, are the lines through the origin and the unit circle (they actually classify all the closed, embedded or not, self-similarly shrinking curves in the plane). The same equation k + γ ⊥ = 0 (that is, k + γ | ν = 0) must be satisfied by every curve of a network in the plane which self-similarly shrinks to the origin moving by curvature (see [14,15], for instance). Moreover, for "energetic" reasons, it is natural to consider networks with only triple junctions and such that the three concurring curves (which are C ∞ ) form three angles of 120 degrees between each other -"Herring" condition -such networks are called regular.…”