Peptide GFSKAELAKARAAKRGGY folds in an a-helical conformation that is stabilized by formation of a hydro-phobic staple motif and an N-terminal capping box ~Munoz V, Blanco FJ, Serrano L, 1995, Struct Biol 2:380-385!. To investigate backbone and side-chain internal motions within the helix and hydrophobic staple, residues F2, A5, L7, A8, and A10 were selectively 13 C-and 15 N-enriched and NMR relaxation experiments were performed in water and in water0trifluoroethanol ~TFE! solution at four Larmor frequencies ~62.5, 125, 150, and 200 MHz for 13 C!. Relaxation data were analyzed using the model free approach and an anisotropic diffusion model. In water, angular variances of motional vectors range from 10 to 208 and backbone f, c bond rotations for helix residues A5, L7, A8, and A10 are correlated indicating the presence of C a-H, C a-C b , and N-H rocking-type motions along the helix dipole axis. L7 side-chain C b H 2 and C g H motions are also correlated and as motionally restricted as backbone C a H, suggesting considerable steric hindrance with neighboring groups. In TFE which stabilizes the fold, internal motional amplitudes are attenuated and rotational correlations are increased. For the side chain of hydrophobic staple residue F2, wobbling-in-a-cone type motions dominate in water, whereas in TFE, the C b-C g bond and phenyl ring fluctuate more simply about the C a-C b bond. These data support the Daragan-Mayo model of correlated bond rotations ~Daragan VA, Mayo KH, 1996, J Phys Chem 100:8378-8388! and contribute to a general understanding of internal motions in peptides and proteins. Peptide GFSKAELAKARAAKRGGY folds in an a-helix confor-mation that is stabilized by formation of a hydrophobic staple motif and an N-terminal capping box ~Munoz et al., 1995!. In water at 5 8C, numerous conformationally constraining, long-range 1 H nuclear Overhauser effects ~NOEs! have been observed and distance geometry calculations demonstrate formation of a-helix conformation from K4 through A13 and an N-capping box motif between S3 and E6. Residues F2 and L7 comprise the structurally stabilizing hydrophobic staple. NOEs observed between F2 ring protons and side chains of L7 and A10, position A10 adjacent to this motif. The structure of the peptide from F2 to R11 is shown in Figure 1. The C-terminal portion of the peptide is less structured and appears to form nascent helix. Within residues 2 through 10, the number of nonsequential NOEs, the large H a chemical shift differences from random coil positions and the small 3 J HNa coupling constants are similar to those observed in proteins. Based on analysis of circular dichroism ~CD! measurements, the peptide in water is estimated to be about 48% folded at 5 8C and about 20% folded at 30 8C ~Munoz et al., 1995!. In the presence of 40% ~v0v! trifluoroethanol ~TFE!, which is known to stabilize folded structure , the peptide is about 90% folded at 5 8C and about 50% folded at 30 8C. Overall, this peptide is a good model system with which to investigate internal motional dynamics i...